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Monday, 8 August 2011

Motivation Monday: RENEW

I love having a clean house. However, my house can get so messy and cluttered and I look around and I don’t want to bother with cleaning it. Yet, when I get up and clean it I feel renewed.  When I put the work in I feel better about my home. I look around and I’m so satisfied. Well the same thing can happen to my faith. At times I allow anger, resentment, and frustration to build up. If I don’t do anything about it I can start feeling terrible. Yet, when I get on my knees to pray and ask God for forgiveness and read His words I become renewed. How refreshing it is to have the Lord come into you and you become one with Him. 

You may need to do some cleansing. You may need to refresh yourself in Gods words and become renewed in life. You may be dealing with difficult circumstances this week but cleanse yourself of it now so you can have a fresh approach to life. Free your heart from the anger, resentment, fear, anguish, hurt, or self-pity or whatever else that is keeping you from freedom. Do not let those circumstances control you. Become renewed in the Lord. Let His goodness fill you up today and every day. 

Take these verses with you this week, write them down in your planner, or on a piece of paper and put it up where you can see them daily. Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a pure heart, o God, and RENEW a steadfast spirit within me” 2 Corinthians 4:16 says, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being RENEWED day by day.”

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