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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

HIV monster who infected woman with virus and had unprotected sex with seven others is jailed

A man who knowingly gave a woman HIV, and may have infected seven others, has been jailed for four years.
His victim only found out that she had caught the virus after she read his text messages.
Zimbabwean Nkosinati Mabanda, 44, was sentenced at Wolverhampton Crown Court after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm. The court had heard that he showed a 'blasé attitude' towards HIV.
Nkosinati Mabanda, 44, has been jailed for four years after giving two women HIV
Nkosinati Mabanda, 44, has been jailed for four years after giving a woman HIV

His victim, a woman from Darlaston in the West Midlands, discovered he was HIV positive after finding a text from his secret fiancee on his mobile phone.
The two women began to talk and his fiancee advised the victim to get an HIV test. The test came back positive and Mabanda was immediately reported to police in April 2009.
In his interview Mabanda admitted that he was fully aware he carried the virus and subsequently pleaded guilty to GBH in February. He was bailed while awaiting sentencing.
However, he was later remanded in custody after the case was adjourned due to new information. A woman had seen his photograph in a newspaper and contacted police to state he had started an unprotected sexual relationship with her while out on bail.
The woman was tested for the virus and was found not to have contracted it.
Court: Mabanda pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm at Wolverhampton Crown Court
Mabanda pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm at Wolverhampton Crown Court, pictured

Mabanda, of no fixed address, told detectives he had sex with seven more women, but they have so far been impossible to trace.
He was also handed an anti-social behaviour order which prohibits him from engaging in sexual activity with any person without first disclosing his HIV status to that person.
After his release, details of the sentence will be passed to the Home Secretary, who will consider whether Mabanda should be deported.
Speaking after sentencing, superintendent Jan Thomas-West said: 'The particularly disturbing element of this case is Mabanda's blatant disregard towards his victim and his various other partners.
'Mabanda told officers that he had had sex with nine women in the UK and that seven of them had not known he was HIV positive. Unfortunately, these women were impossible to trace.
Virus: Mabanda may have passed HIV on to seven other women who had unprotected sex with him
Virus: Mabanda may have passed HIV on to seven other women who had unprotected sex with him

'He seems to have shown no regard for the health of others or the potential life sentence he may have passed on to anyone who had sex with him. I am pleased that Mabanda has received a significant custodial sentence.'
In a statement released by the police, his victim said: 'I am pleased with the sentence given to Mabanda today and that the judge recognised the seriousness of what he has done.
'I feel a combination of anger and relief. Anger at what he has done to me and potentially other women and relief because he has been punished for his actions.
'I think he should have been given life because that's the sentence he has given to me.
'What he did has had a devastating impact and will affect me every day for the rest of my life, but now I want to move on.
'If anyone else recognises him because of the media coverage and they have been infected, they should go to the police and I will be there for them.'

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